Chinese gangs enslave more than 1 lakh people to run fake ICOs

Chinese gangs enslave more than 1 lakh people to run fake ICOs 2

A report revealed that criminals are catching unemployed people from Asian regions to run illegal businesses like romance scams & fake crypto ICOs projects. 

China is a fully crypto-hater country. In 2021, The People Bank of China, the National Central Bank of China, imposed a ban on cryptocurrencies. Also, they banned crypto mining & related businesses. As we know that the relationship between Cambodia & China is better, and people from China are getting better situations to go & run businesses in Cambodia, so many bad actors use this situation for their illegal activities.

Before COVID-19 Pandemic, Cambodia was a hot place for illegal casino businesses but the whole game changed to online mode because of COVID lockdown in the whole world. 

A report by LA Times confirmed that more than 100,000 people are working as a slave in Combodia to generate money illegally for their respective bosses. 

The popular scams & illegal activities which are in trend in Cambodia-based crime gangs are gambling, romance schemes, fake real estate development, and crypto hustles. 

These gangs attract unemployed people from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Upon the arrival of these unemployed people, these gangs had their passports taken and forced them to work to process cybercrime. 

Around 100 workers were rescued by the enforcement agencies of Cambodia. One of the victims said that if any worker will complete their earnings target then they will be rewarded with the freedom to live, take food & also control other victims. 

On the other hand, if any person fails to hit a target or earns money for these gangs then they will tourcher physically & also will not give food or even they may sell that guy to another gang.

A victim also said that once a victim shot himself with a gun and also the boss of the gang went silently without any response because they have no feelings for others.

Read also: We want to be the bridge between crypto and the old financial system, Says Binance CEO

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