SpaceX merchs will be buyable in Doge soon

Recently CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, has announced that both companies would accept Dogecoin (Doge) as a payment method.
As of now, Tesla merchandise can now instantly be bought with the meme coin as a payment option, while, the Dogecoin payment option will soon be added for the SpaceX merch. Elon Musk’s announcement about consolidating Dogecoin as a payment tool can be seen in this recent tweet.
The consolidation of Dogecoin as a payment option for Tesla and SpaceX products. This announcement by Elon Musk has now fueled both crypto and DOGE communities.
While continuing this some Doge community members have asked Elon Musk if Dogecoin will soon be accepted as a payment option for Tesla vehicles and Starlink subscriptions. While receiving various responses to Elon’s statement about Dogecoin payments for Tesla and SpaceX merchandise some prominent ones are:
Do you think Tesla will ever accept doge to buy cars? – by @greg16676935420
Thank you DogeFather – by @itsALLrisky
Currently down 100% on Dogecoin but I still think it’s the future of finance – by @its_menieb
This made your day, $DOGE fam – by @Jay_OKX (CEO of OKX Crypto exchange)

Elon Musk increased his commitment, earlier this week, to buy Twitter at $33.5 billion. As per CNBC, Elon Musk is already in talks with Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder and former CEO, and others to help with financial assistance and thus finalise the deal.
In a letter to investors dated May 24, Elon Musk expressed his commitment to finalising the deal:
This letter confirms the commitment of the equity investor, subject to the terms set out herein, either directly or indirectly, to the parent providing the equity capital or before closing (or forcing the assigner) a total of $33,500,000,000 (such commitment, or aggregation) if the minimum amount required to do so is debt financing (or, if applicable), Alternative financing) with actual funds at the end.
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