Ukraine officially enters in crypto to receive donations

Ukraine officially enters in crypto to receive donations 2

The government agency took its decision officially to take help from the crypto industry to accept donations from the world without any restriction of location.

This is the fourth day of the Russia vs Ukraine fight. Reportedly Ukraine faced huge losses in this geopolitical fight because of Russian military invasions. Right now Russian is attacking on Ukraine through its drone armors. In this situation, Ukraine needed support in every possible way whether it is financial or Armor support, all things are needed for Ukraine to save the nation against Russian invasions. 

On 26 February, The official Twitter account of Ukraine announced officially to accept donations in crypto assets. 

Ukraine urged people through the tweet to stand with Ukraine and donate funds to the crypto addresses. 

Accepted crypto assets are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT. 

Justin Sun, Tron founder, also responded to the government officials’ tweet and shared his happiness that Ukraine decided to accept USDT on the Trom network. But first, he confirmed precisely whether the provided USDT TRC-20 address is correct and issued by the government of Ukraine or not.

In response to the Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Butterin’s tweet to support Ukraine through crypto crowdfunding, Justin supported and also confirmed that he donated $200,000 USDT to Ukraine. 

It is interesting to see that the Ethereum co-founder is a Russian and Justin Sun is a Chinese citizen, but still both of these two people are supporting Ukraine in this fight. These things are showing that the crypto community and its leaders are in favour of peace, not violence.

Ukraine against its own National Rules 

A few days ago the Ministry of Defense decided to take donations in Bitcoin and PayPal because these options are available globally and easy to access but experts noted that Ukraine’s government agencies can’t accept donations from any type of funding with alternative payment systems, whether it is crypto or Payal. 

In response to such national rules-based restrictions, the Ministry of Defense created a foriegn account to accept donations in foreign currencies in favor of Ukraine’s better  stand against Russia. 

But the latest decision of Ukraine showed that country officially going against its own law to accept crypto. 

Read also: Ethereum co-founder warns people before donating funds to Ukraine

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