Public listed BTCS will pay dividends in Bitcoin

Public listed BTCS will pay dividends in Bitcoin 6

Nasdaq listed Blockchain firm BTCS will give dividends to its Investors in Bitcoin. 

We have seen in the last few years that many crypto and Bitcoin-supporting companies are trying to bring services to support Bitcoin directly or indirectly so that they can push the adoption to the next level.

Here a unique decision is taken by the Nasdaq listed Blockchain company BTCS. This company revealed through its filing with the US securities and exchange commission (SEC) that the company will pay its next dividend in Bitcoin to the investors. 

Charles Allen, CEO of BTCS, said in a statement that “We want to reward our long-time shareholders for their continued support and encourage financial freedom by providing the means to enable direct ownership of Bitcoin and other digital assets.”

However, this plan of BTCS firm will not work as a restriction, it will be a type of option for the investors to choose whether they will accept Bitcoin or will go with the traditional payment options. The next date of the dividend is 16 March 2022. And the company named a new term to the Dividend, called Bividend. 

BTCS is still sceptical about its decision with Bividend because the firm is still evaluating whether it will be advantageous for the company and investors to have dividend distribution in Bitcoin. 

BTCS is rapidly getting a better surge in its value. In 2019, the value of the company was around $1 million. But in 2021, it was $33 million. 

The share of BTCS firm also pumped by around 30% within hours, after the announcement of the company to give a dividend in Bitcoin. And this surge in the stock price of BTCS pushed the market cap to around $10 million. 

Equity Stock Transfer is an SEC-registered New York City-based agent. This agent will keep all the records of the data of the Company to give dividends in Bitcoin. EST also will help BTCS in logistics and processing of the bitcoin dividend. 

Read also: travel home-booking company Airbnb may start to accept crypto

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