Cardano is in “an era of optimization”: Basho Stage

Cardano blockchain Network successfully entered The Basho Stage.
Cardano is a 7th ranked Crypto asset in this crypto industry and this blockchain network is known for its high efficiency & secure transactions through the Cardano Blockchain network. After the introduction of smart contract features in the Cardano Blockchain network, the ecosystem of Cardano is getting huge numbers of crypto projects with unique concepts.
In the year 2021, The developer team behind the Cardano Blockchain network did huge development works to make the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem much better, so the crypto industry can use the Cardano ecosystem more perfectly and confidently. This is clearly showing that the Cardano project team is following the official roadmap of the Cardano ecosystem precisely.
There are a total of 5 phases of the development and growth of the Cardano Blockchain network. Now Cardano entered the third phase. This phase is the Basho Stage.
Basho era stage is fully focused to bring scalability, efficiency, and more security to the network. Besides these things, the Cardano team also promised to bring Parameter adjustments, improvements, enhancements, and other innovations”, so that capacity of the Cardano Blockchain can be increased.
Right now, the Ethereum developer team is working to bring Scalability of 100,000 TPS to the Ethereum Blockchain network but here Cardano team is working to introduce millions of transactions per second as the best alternative to the Ethereum network, with the help of Hydra.
However all these are purely part of the second blockchain Network only that can be supposed to be Layer2 scaling concepts but here official development work by the same blockchain developer is appreciable, which hints that Cardano blockchain Network doesn’t need to get support by third party crypto project scaling Solution, for example, Ethereum getting the support of Polygon network’ Layer2 scaling Solution.
Roadmap of Cardano explained for the current phase of development works:
“Sidechains can be used as a sharding mechanism by off-loading work from the main chain onto a sidechain to increase the capacity of the network. They can also be used to introduce experimental features without affecting the security of the main blockchain”
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