Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser says it will hit $220,000 this year

Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser says it will hit $220,000 this year 4

Max Keiser shared his prediction on the price of Bitcoin and said that it will hit $220,000 this year.

On 3 January, Bitcoin completed its 13 years in total to bring decentralization in the payment system and bring changes in the life of Bitcoin holders. On the same day, Bitcoin grabbed better attention in the crypto industry because of its unique conversation at social media and support all over the world. 

On 3-4 January, Pseudonym person Bitcoin Creator #SatoshiNakamoto was trending on Twitter. And the majority of the Bitcoin proponents shared their thoughts and future price prediction of Bitcoin. 

In particular, Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser also shared his prediction on the basis of the traditional footprint of Bitcoin related to the Bitcoin hash rate. 

Max Keiser tweeted that the Hash rate is now at an all-time high, so the Bitcoin price is also ready to hit an all-time high with $220,000. 

According to experts, this theory of Max Keiser is very important to get a better hint for Bitcoin. Because this is a very common and traditional theory of Bitcoin. 

It has been seen in the past when hash rate of the Bitcoin blockchain network falls then it also follows a crash situation. And the opposite of this, it will follow an uptrend. 

On 2 January, the hash rate of the Bitcoin network hitted 203.5 exahashes, which was an all-time high. While this hash rate dropped to around 58.4 exahashes when China announced a ban on crypto mining and trading at the end of June 2021. 

Earlier this, in an interview with News ” Daily express”, Keiser said that China‘s ban on crypto trading and mining activities is just a temporary hiccup and soon everything will come to its original state. 

At the moment of writing this article, the price of Bitcoin is at $46,419 and it is facing a huge struggle to follow the uptrend. But surely here the indication of Max Keiser may help bitcoin for the whales to get again in this momentum. 

Read also: Cardano founder looking a way between bitcoin UTXO and EVM

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