Cardano developers aim to increase block size and Plutus script memory unit

The developer team behind the Cardano project announced the new development on the Cardano blockchain to increase the block size and Plutus script.
Cardano is the third biggest crypto asset of the crypto market and popularly it is known for its ability to overcome those issues which are not possible with the Ethereum blockchain network easily.
Cardano project getting huge traffic volume that is why they are working continuously on the increasing efficiency of the Cardano blockchain network.
In a recent AMA session, Charles Hoskinson, CEO, and founder of the Cardano project shared some points of integrating the new technique to improve the efficiency of network alternatives to the layer 2 scaling solution.
Now in the latest blog, published by the developer team of the Cardano project, Input-output Hong Kong global (IOHK) announced that they are gonna introduce two new things to fight against the increasing traffic.
The first thing is to increment the size of the blocks in the blockchain network. This will allow the expansion of the block size from 8KB to 72KB.
“A 12,5% increase is sizable, but not too big. It leaves room for further expansion, and allows stake pool operators (SPOs) to adjust to the increased demands”
So with this idea of increasing the size, more transactions will execute and proceed with a single block. Overall it will increase the efficiency of the network to handle the bulk transactions.
The Cardano developer team also said that over the last year users surged by around 20 times. And this is forcing the developer team to increase the block size.
The second major change that the team will do is “Increasing Plutus memory limits by 12.5%”. This will increase the potential of the Cardano blockchain to validate transactions.
However, besides all these things, the developer team asserted that the current potential of the Cardano blockchain is enough, and current traffic is using only 25% of the network ability.
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